We only Focus on
Growing Your Business
Our only goal is to grow sales of our clients
개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의
에코마케팅(이하 '회사'라 합니다)는 고객 문의에 대한 원활한 상담을 위해 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
1.처리하는 개인정보의 항목
입력항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 회사, 문의 정보
자동수집항목: 서비스 이용기록, 접속로그, 제출 일시
2. 개인정보 이용목적
수집한 개인정보는 다음의 목적을 위해 처리합니다.
- 고객문의에 대한 정보 제공 및 안내(답변) 및 현황관리
- 고객문의 답변을 위한 임직원간 원활한 의사소통 및 업무처리
3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용기간
홈페이지 문의 접수 또는 상담 시 수집된 개인정보에 대해서 3년 간 보유하며, 이후 모든 정보는 파기합니다.
개인정보에 대하여 보유기간을 회원에게 개별적으로 사전 동의를 받은 경우에는 약속한 보유기간 동안 보유할 수 있으며 이용자의 요청이 있는 경우 즉시 파기합니다.
4. 동의 거부권 및 미동의에 대한 불이익 안내
회사는 보다 원활한 서비스 제공을 위하여 필수입력정보를 수집하고 있으며, 이를 거부할 시에는 서비스 제공에 어려움이 있을 수 있습니다.
Satellites must be in orbit before they can complete their intended mission.
If we can't put a satellite in orbit, even the best-built ones become useless.
The same principle applies to our clients’ products & services.
There are a lot of products and services in the world that have been created to solve a variety of problems.
But if they can't overcome obstacles or experience quick and appropriate growth, they will disappear from the market.
Most of these failures are due to a lack of marketing skills.
Echo Marketing is a rocket.
With the marketing capabilities of Echo Marketing, you can quickly grow your outstanding products to the desired level.
If it's the first product to enter the market, we will make it a major product,
and if the product is in the most competitive market, we will make it the market leader.
Get on the Echo Marketing rocket.
Experience the amazing success.
Our only goal is to grow sales of our clients
Ad Spending (Scale : Hundred million Won)
Echo Marketing designs and performs data-driven,
full-funnel marketing on every step of the Customer Journey.
We plan the entire marketing strategy.
Echo Marketing’s industry experts define realistic campaign goals and KPIs based on a number of hands-on, successful cases.
We position products and design marketing structures with an insightful understanding of the product and target; at the same time, accurately analyze the business, market, and competitors that are at war with our customers.
Our creators make creatives that never fail.
Because the creators reproduce creatives that are highly likely to succeed, based on daily A/B test results, these creatives become more successful as time goes on.
In addition, through a collaboration of planning and producing, designers can understand accurately the target's characteristics and produce creatives that can fully reach the goal.
We run all our campaigns ourselves directly and optimize to meet our goals and KPIs.
Having strategy and operation in one team creates a tremendous synergy.
Whenever a campaign is organized for an event, a promotion, or a media mix, the strategy is always reflected in the campaign to create incomparable results
We value data-driven decision-making.
We collect and analyze all data from marketing activities.
Based on thorough analysis of customer behavior, purchase result, responding creative, media attribution, CRM data, on/offline data analysis, we derive the product and pricing strategy, communication message, media strategy and so on.
Not only do we dramatically gain new consumers, but we also make them fans of the brand.
We manage a wide range of fields to create and maintain long-term brand fans.
This increases the efficiency of marketing and creates a brand that can last for a long time.
Every team in Echo Marketing is working to reach their sole goal: to grow sales of our clients.
To do this, the team brings together the best professionals in each field of marketing and this ‘unit’ makes your business grow
* UNIT: Organizational unit in Echo Marketing consisting of experts from each field to achieve a goal
We have the best marketing solutions to grow your sales.
Search Marketing
Customer Value
We provide professional marketing in more than 56 countries worldwide.
Beijing, China
Seoul, Korea(HQ)
Experience the amazing sale growth
with Echo Marketing, the best Marketing Group